It has been quiet long time, sorry about that readers. Well, there has been a lot of to do out of Saab rallying. Last winter we had bad lucky when cranksaft blow up in rally start.

Same time with cranksaft change, I decide to test some ”new” parts to the engine. Brand new Spanish 45Dcoe webers, C&T manifold and Enem 8,3S camsaft + old lot of planed/machined works sylinder heads. Because it was allready in the beginning just testing, I used old gaskets and bearings. Why to waist money for new ones if test resutlt is totally unclear, and engine need to reopened in anyway ?

Test trip made last saturday when it was time to last rallyevent (and last Finnish Historic Championship rally 2015) in Finland this year. Testdrive was succesfully despite that, we were forced to retired after SS2 because of leaking sylinder head gasket. Thats result because of too high compression pressure. That what I liked to test also.

Good thing was that car and driver works well and we have possibility to show Saab`s potential with two good SS- time.

Written by Tikkis

Contact Tikkis at :: Phone: +358 400 969696 :: E-mail:

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