“KONI special ”D” – King of the Shock absorbers “
Ad in Tuulilasi- magazine # 5/1969
( = ”King of the Shock absorbers”)
In the car was installed aftermarket shocks in 70´s, which I thought isn’t proper for my restoration. I had a lucky, when buying this car; the previous owner worked in 60´s in Saab Import- Company named “Importer” at the time. Same time the company has also license to Import KONI- shocks to Finland. Seller of the car was responsible of warranty claims, and as usually in Branch, didn’t throw all the claimed stuff to the trash can. And more important, like nearly all those guys born before World war 2, he storage all those parts thru the decades.
Thanks for that, I got an old wooden beer box full of KONI- shocks from 50´s to 60´s. Even two NOS and box of KONI- rubber joints- as well NOS ! So, because my target is not to over renovate this car, than just make restoration, I have great opportunity to choose more period look shock absorbers to the car.
KONI shock absorbers have been adjustable already in 50´s and sure, have been used in rallies. I guess similar shocks absorbers have been installed in Carl- Otto Bremer´s 1000- Lakes rally winner car in 1960- maybe some of those I get are from that car. Also I’m quit sure that Eric Carlson’s Monte Carlo Winning Saab’s has also similar shocks.
I washed chosen pairs, make some lightly grinding and sprayed a layer of matt lacquer over them. Just save the original look best possible way and save the original nice KONI- brand. Then they were ready to installing with NOS KONI- rubbers from 60´s. I’m curious to test-drive how these really work..