Hurry up ! It has been kind of stressive last weeks. I got the car out from painter too late and thatfore we got some extra rush doing ready for the ”FIA Appendix K” scrutereening end of september. If reach the timetable, we will get extra discount out of the ordinary price. I have noticed, that it works better many cases if you have time in the target. Without that, many projects will stay long long time.

Here some photos what Antti and I have done instead sitting on the pub

AYA entisöinti (6)

Antti wondering wirings. So simply, but takes time to reinstall

Antilla syyskuu 14 (17)

Just in case, we have had sometimes problems with wipers; NOS wiper motor installed.

Antilla syyskuu 14 (18)

Rezinked braketubes. I find out  ATE T51 brakeservo yearmodel 1970 in newshape and  togehter with NOS Lockheed Brake maincylinder hole package look as it should look like.


Sport wooden steering wheel; used and maybe I try it, how it feel drive as 60´s and beginning 70´s.


One helpfull hint for service team. Extra fuelgauge should be okay. Its original Saab gauge, used longnose Saab´s 1965-68.

Syyskuun loppu 2014 (16)

After some weeks hard bushing, thanks for Antti, we completed AYA ready within required period.

Syyskuun loppu 2014 (21)

Finnish forest stages: ”are you ready” ? Well, some smaller and bigger things need to do before next start.

Written by Tikkis

Contact Tikkis at :: Phone: +358 400 969696 :: E-mail:

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