It has been tight year, and almost nothing time to do anything in a garage. No either any special Saab happenings. After roll- over last autumn repairing of my Ex Works Saab has made slowly way, step by step. As a future investments, or maybe to secure I dont need it any more (= no more roll overs Ü)  I purchased ”Autorobot” collision repair bench. Autorobot is made in Finland, and probably the best system on the market with its wide range of solution for bodyshops. Take a look (

Anyway, I got new spirit (and some free weekends) last weeks, and now realistic target is join Finnish Historic Rally championship series 2018, just if I`m lucky to find some sponsoring. Maybe some extra rallies abroad.;Let see.

During the year I have made new roll bar to the car, pull body damages straight again by using Autorobot. The body itself I leave to outside for painting and get it back some weeks ago. Now painting is not more showroom condition, so no need to be extra carefully. I really hope little bit more happy rallyfuture than last years with engine problems and car crash.

Written by Tikkis

Contact Tikkis at :: Phone: +358 400 969696 :: E-mail:

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